When you pay for internet marketing services you want to see results but sometimes those results can take a little time to filter through to something tangible.
An internet marketing report can help you see how the internet marketing activities you're paying for, such as Search Engine Optimisation, Facebook Advertising or Google AdWords, are affecting your website.
The trouble is that although there are some great tools out there for reporting, they are often very technical and difficult to make sense of. It was with this in mind that we created the e-CBD Internet Marketing Reporting System.
The aim of creating this new system is that anyone will be able to read and understand their report without requiring a degree in statistics and marketing. In saying that we've created this video manual which should help to clear up any questions you might have about your internet marketing report. Of course we're always here to answer your questions but we encourage you to watch this video at least once to see if it answers your query first.
SEO Reporting Video Manual