![Leon Perkin - Lead Web Designer](assets/images/team/placeholders/team_ph-leon.jpg)
My Role Here
Lead Designer, which incorporates the designing of websites, UI + digital media to creative direction and overseeing e-CBD’s overall design quality. I’d like to think that with over 12+ years’ experience, my strongest skill has been consistently understanding and delivering fresh and exciting designs which reflect and innovate the ever-evolving digital world.
How The Web Lured Me
A few early memories include learning web design in grade 10 which was the most exciting and enjoyable class I had at school that year. This followed on with me dabbling in online website builders via Geocities and Excite and on to a very early version of Paint Shop Pro and Frontpage, by this point I was hooked!
I was also involved in online and local gaming communities in my late teens, attending and administering some local Lan Parties, where I met a lot of savvy contacts and was able to soak in a very broad and useful knowledge of Computer Systems and Hardware that pushed me deeper in to the technology void.
Relaxing After Work Like...
My keen interests are guitar / playing in bands, attending live music shows, enjoying a few crafty beverages (see @beerthread), playing squash, dabbling in photography and spending time with my dog and partner.
You're stuck on a deserted island, food and shelter are sorted - what 3 things do you take with you?
If a solid gold, rocket fueled helicopter is out of the question along with the people closest to me, I’d have to lean toward two cups of coffee, an auto freshener that says 'Capricorn', and something with coconut on it!